40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (2024)

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By: Amy

If the right foods are offered, at the right time, then snacking can play an important part in managing hunger and boosting the nutrition of children's diets. Learn what makes a nutritious snack, and why, and get inspiration from this mega list of Healthy Snacks for Kids.

Do you feel like you are constantly feeding your children snacks? You are not alone.

Snacking is prevalent in many parts of the world and contributes to a large proportion of our children's daily energy intake. (1)

Unfortunately, for many kids, snacks consist of a packet of chips (crisps), crackers, cookies or other energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods.

Instead, snack time should be looked at as an opportunity to add nutrients to our children's diet and even make up nutrients missed throughout the day. It is the perfect time to provide wholesome, nutritional foods.

Contents hide

1 What Makes a Healthy Snack

2 Having a Snacking Schedule

3 Keep Snacks Simple and Easy

4 List of Healthy Snacks for Kids

5 Other Super Simple 5 Minute Snack Ideas

6 In a nutshell...

What Makes a Healthy Snack

Often people contact me saying their children are"snackers",that is they live on snacks and eat very little of their meals.

What you serve at snack time can make a big difference in whether your children become "snackers" or not. If snacks are always made up of foods such as crackers, muffins, chips etc then some children will happily live on snacks and eat very little breakfast, lunch or dinner.

In addition "snack foods" are often high in simple carbohydrates. Although children need carbohydrates, they burn through simple carbohydrate really fast. Thus, they don't have anything to keep them full and often half an hour later they are begging for another snack.

Ideally, snacks should be healthy and satisfying. Research shows that whole foods high in protein, fibre, and whole grains enhance a sense of fullness when consumed as snacks. (2) Healthy fats are also very filling and a good addition to a snack.

  • PROTEINis the building block to growth. Healthy protein sources include meat, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds, nut butters, hummus, eggs, beans, dairy products such and milk, cheese and yoghurt.
  • FIBRE helps make us full and keeps things moving in the digestive tract. Fibre sources include vegetables, fruit, beans, peas, nuts, whole grain breads and cereals.
  • HEALTHY FATSare every filling and also good for brain development. Healthy fat sources include olive oil, avocado, full fat dairy products, nuts and seeds, nut butters

When preparing a snack, I usually start with a fruit and/or vegetable and add a protein or fat source and /or an extra fibre source to complete the snack.

The time of day and how close it is to the next meal will influence my decision as to what and how much I serve as a snack. (see below for list of ideas)

Having a Snacking Schedule

As parents/carers, it is our responsibility to decide what we serve our children but also when we serve it. If constant snacking occurs, keeping track of food consumption is hard to monitor and often children overeat and are not ready for meals.

Providing scheduled meals and snacks allow children to avoid becoming overly hungry or too full at mealtimes. They also reduce the constant pestering for snacks and stops boredom eating.

It doesn't matter so much on the schedule you choose, everyone is different and it will depend on your family life and the age/nature/health of your children. The important thing is your children know what to expect.

In our family we find three meals and two snacks work well during the week (morning snack at school and an after school snack). At the weekend we have only one snack (min morning) as we usually have a later, bigger lunch.

If your child chooses not to eat food at a meal or snack, that is okay. Just remind them that they will need to wait until the next meal or snack to eat again.

Keep Snacks Simple and Easy

Preparing healthy kids' snacks shouldn't require you to spend ages cooking or preparing. There is no need to use fancy cookie cutters or think up elaborate ways to present your children's food.

You can, of course, do this if you enjoy it, have the time and want to do it. Sometimes I do and my kids love it, however most of the time I don't. The easier you make it on yourself the more likely you are to continue serving nutrient dense snacks and be less likely to reach for convenient foods.

List of Healthy Snacks for Kids

Please note that some of these snacks would need to be modified for younger children due to choking risk. (Popcorn is a choking hazard for under-fives, nuts should be finely chopped/crushed and fruits such as grapes and cherry tomatoes should be quartered to avoid choking. Honey should not be offered to under 1s)

Ants on a Log

This classic snack is made with celery, nut butter and raisins but can be made in so many ways. Check out this recipe to see the various ways you can serve this fun snack.

Check out this recipe

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (6)

Baked Oatmeal Cups

Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast for kids but also makes a fantastic snack. This recipe bakes oatmeal into mini muffins for the perfect on the go snack.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (7)

Banana Split

Split a banana in half lengthways, spread with peanut butter (to keep kids fuller longer) and top with berries.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (8)

Cinnamon Apples with Mixed Nuts

Serve these sauteed apple wedges with mixed nuts for a nutritious and filling snack. Note: Nuts are a choking hazard until at least 4 yr old. Try pulsing nuts to produce a powder to sprinkle.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (9)

Half an Egg with Mini Corn on Cob & Grapes

Always have some eggs to hand for an easy snack, breakfast or lunch. Hard boil some eggs, peel and refrigerate in an air tight container (for up to 5 days).

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (10)

Apple and Peanut Butter Sandwiches & Milk

Sweet crunchy apples with creamy peanut butter, these Apple and Peanut Butter Sandwiches are an easy, delicious and healthy snack.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (11)

Banana Oatmeal Cookies, Snow Peas & Milk

Serve one of these two ingredient banana cookies with snow peas (or vegetable of choice) and a small glass of milk.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (12)

Popcorn with Cheese Cubes and Vegetable Sticks

Popcorn is easy to make (in the microwave or stove top) and is a great snack. Serve with some cheese cubes, to help keep your kids' fuller longer, and some veggie sticks for extra fibre and nutrition.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (13)

Vegetable and Pitta Bread Sticks with Hummus

Cut some vegetables and some toasted pitta bread into stick and serve with homemade or bought hummus.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (14)

Fruit Slices with Peanut Butter Dip

Peanut Butter Dip is a perfect accompaniment to freshly cut fruit. Made with only 3 ingredients, it can be prepared in minutes.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (15)

Nut Balls with Celery Sticks.

These nut balls made with nuts, coconut and dates can be made in advance and frozen for an easy snack option. Serve with some celery sticks or vegetable of choice.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (16)

Guacamole with Mixed Vegetable Sticks

This creamy guacamole is easy to make, nutritious and satisfying. Serve with some vegetable sticks or spread on toast or crackers.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (17)

Hummus on Toast with Grated Carrot

Spread hummus on toast and top with some grated carrot for this super simple, nutritious and delicious snack.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (18)

Oatcakes with a Selection of Toppings

Oatcakes are a great snack with both sweet and savoury toppings. Find the recipe for oatcakes here as well as a range of topping ideas.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (19)

Yogurt Filled Raspberries

Double this snack up as an activity. Serve your children yoghurt and raspberries and get your children to fill them.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (20)

Sweet Potato Wedges with an Avocado Dip

Serve these sweet potato wedges with avocado dip or a dip of choice. Prepare the wedges in advance and pop in the oven when needed.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (21)

Crumpet Topped with Peanut Butter and Banana Slices

Toast/warm a crumpet and top with peanut butter banana slices and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Serve with some chopped vegetables.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (22)

Fruit Kebabs with a Peanut Butter Dip

Kids love food on a stick and serving fruit this way can make snack time more appealing and fun. Serve with yogurt or a peanut butter dip to help keep tummies fuller for longer.

Check out this recipe

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (23)

Mini Muffins with Milk

These mini muffins are made in the blender and are sweetened only with fruit. They store well in the freezer for a handy snack when needed.

Check out this recipe

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (24)

Green Smoothie

A green smoothie is a great way to add greens to your kids' snack.

Check out this recipe

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (25)

Pizza Toast with Broccoli Florets

Pizza toast is easy to make and tastes delicious, serve with some brocolli florets (or fruit / veggie of choice)

Check out this recipe

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (26)

Banana Yogurt

A delicious yogurt sweetened with banana. Peanut butter is stirred through for added healthy fats / protein.

Check out this recipe

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (27)

Apple Waffles with Chopped Vegetables

These apple waffles can be made in advance and frozen for snacks as needed. Serve with some chopped vegetables for extra goodness.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (28)

Sandwich Kebabs

Cut a slice of bread into bite size squares and thread onto a small food stick with slices of cucumber, cheese and tomato.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (29)

Yogurt with Apple Sauce

Stir some apple sauce (puree) through some plain yogurt to a make a satisfying and tasty snack

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (30)

Yogurt, Granola and Berries

I often think of snacks as "mini meals" and this snack is exactly that. An easy and tasty breakfast as a snack.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (31)

Cottage Cheese and Tomato Slices on Crackers

Top crackers with cottage cheese and tomato (or why not try slices of peach, figs, sprouts or thinly sliced radish)

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (32)

Trail Mix with Veggie Sticks

Make your own trail mix with a selection of nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Serve with some veggie sticks.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (33)

Watermelon Pizza & Yogurt

A fun snack that kids love. Top the "pizza" with yogurt to keep little tummies fuller for longer.

Check out this recipe

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (34)

Tuna Salad on Cucumber Slices and/or Crackers

Top crackers and cucumber slices with a high protein tuna spread for a nutritious and filling snack.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (35)

Mashed Avocado on Rice Crackers / Toast

Mash an avocado and spread on toast or rice crackers. This is a super simple and tasty snack packed with goodness. Keep it varied with a range of extra toppings such as sliced tomatos, feta or even a drizzle of honey.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (36)

Scrambled Egg on Toast Fingers with a Side of Blueberries

Scrambled eggs is a great snack option. Add to a slice of toast and cut into fingers. Serve with some blueberries or fruit of choice.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (37)

Sweet Potato Mini Muffin with Vegetable Sticks and Milk

These sweet potato muffins are sweetened only with fruit and can be stored in the freezer for a quick snack option. Serve with a side of veggies and a small glass of milk.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (38)

Frozen Yogurt Bark

Frozen yoghurt bark is simply yoghurt frozen on a tray with lots of different foods stirred through and/or added to the top of the yoghurt. It is very simple to make and can be easily customized to suit taste.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (39)

Banana & Nut Butter Tortilla Roll Ups

Spread a tortilla with peanut butter, place a banana onto the tortilla and roll it up. Cut into equally sized pieces and you have your healthy snack.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (40)

2 Ingredient Banana Pancakes

These banana pancakes are made with only two ingredients (banana and egg) and are a great finger food snack for kids.

Check out this recipe

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (41)

Baked Chickpeas with Fresh Fruit

This is a good choice for kids who love crunchy snacks. Bake seasoned chickpeas in the oven or air-fryer. Serve with some fresh fruit or vegetables

Check out this recipe

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (42)

Banana Chia Pudding

A fantastic make-ahead snack for kids. Whip it up in under 5 mins and then let the chia seeds do their magic.

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (43)

Other Super Simple 5 Minute Snack Ideas

  • Cheese Cubes with Sliced Pear
  • Half a Bagel with Cream Cheese and Cucumber Slices
  • Cheese and Pineapple Cube Skewers
  • Cheese and Crackers with Grapes
  • ½ Sandwich with Carrot Sticks
  • Piece of Fruit & Handful of Nuts
  • Cottage cheese with fresh fruit or fruit puree
  • Cucumber "Sandwiches" - Slices of cucumber with pate,cream cheese or small slices of cheese/ham sandwiched between two slices
  • Leftovers

In a nutshell...

Many children get hungry between meals and need snacks. The key to successful snacking is considering not only what you serve your children but also when you serve it.

Healthy snacks for kids should be satisfying, nutritious and provided at set times.

Look to serve whole foods that contain at least one of these nutrients - protein, fibre or healthy fats and use snack time as an opportunity to help reach your children's daily target of fruit and vegetables.

NOTE: The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only and is not meant to substitute professional dietary advice or treatment. Please refer to my Nutrition Disclaimer for full information.


  1. Wang, D.; van der Horst, K.; Jacquier, E.F.; Afeiche, M.C.; Eldridge, A.L. Snacking patterns in children: A comparison between Australia, China, Mexico, and the US. Nutrients 2018, 10, 198.
  2. Njike, Valentine & Garvin, Teresa & Shuval, Omree & Shuval, Kerem & Edshteyn, Ingrid & Kalantari, Vahid & Yaroch, Amy. (2016). Snack Food, Satiety, and Weight. Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal. 7. 866-878. 10.3945/an.115.009340.

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Meet Amy

Amy Whiteford runs the blog Healthy Little Foodies. She is a mum to two, has a BSc (Hons) Food Science, PGDE Primary Education and a Certificate in Childhood Nutrition. She uses her experience and knowledge to create healthy and delicious recipes for kids. Explore the site for creative ideas, tips, and inspiration! Read more

40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (47)

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40 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids (2024)


What are healthy snacks for kids? ›

Fresh fruit and vegetables are always the best snack choice for your kids – they contain vitamins and minerals, are a good source of fibre and count towards their 5 A Day. Plus, they're easy to eat on the go!

What are the top 10 snack foods? ›

  1. 1 Reese's Peanut Butter Cup83%
  2. 2 M&M's83%
  3. 3 Hershey's Kisses79%
  4. 4 Kit Kat79%
  5. 5 Reese's79%
  6. 6 Lay's79%
  7. 7 Heinz Ketchup78%
  8. 8 Ritz78%

What are four examples of healthful snacks for school age children? ›

What Snacks Are Good for School-Age Kids?
  • home-made trail mix with whole-grain breakfast cereal and nuts and raisins.
  • string cheese with grapes or other fruit.
  • fruit smoothies made with yogurt, milk, or a dairy-free milk-alternative.
  • ice pops made with 100% fruit juice or yogurt in ice pop molds or ice cube trays.

What is the idea for snack for kids? ›

28 Healthy Snacks Your Kids Will Love
  • 28 snacks.
  • Yogurt.
  • Popcorn.
  • Ants on a log.
  • Nuts.
  • Trail mix.
  • Pears with ricotta cheese.
  • Cottage cheese.

What snacks kids love? ›

10 Healthy Snacks Kids Will Love
  • Fruit kabobs.
  • Homemade trail mix or granola.
  • Ants on a log.
  • Yogurt parfait.
  • Smoothie bowls.
  • Apple nachos.
  • Frozen yogurt bark.
  • Sweet potato or kale chips.
Nov 2, 2023

What is a good easy healthy snack? ›

10 quick and easy healthy snack ideas
  • Blueberries and yoghurt. Combine a small handful (40g) of blueberries with a small pot (125g) of plain low-fat yoghurt. ...
  • Apple and peanut butter. ...
  • Cottage cheese and tomatoes on a rice cake. ...
  • Banana on toast. ...
  • Red pepper and hummus. ...
  • Dried apricots and almonds. ...
  • Avocado on crispbread. ...
  • Crumpet.

What are the 7 sensible snacks? ›

Take snacks to go:
  • String cheese.
  • Dried fruit.
  • Granola bars.
  • Whole grain crackers.
  • Trail/Cereal Mix.
  • Graham Crackers.
  • Box of raisins.
  • Baby carrots.

What is the best 11 am snack? ›

If you've fallen into a groggy pre-lunch slump, this is the time to eat a small protein snack, advises Wurtman. To heighten alertness she recommends low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, string-cheese sticks or milk (perhaps in your industrial-strength latte). Avoid fat, she says, or you'll feel even fuzzier.

What is the healthiest popular snack? ›

  1. Mixed nuts. Nuts are an ideal nutritious snack, providing the perfect balance of healthy fats, protein, and fiber. ...
  2. Red bell pepper with guacamole. ...
  3. Greek yogurt and mixed berries. ...
  4. Apple slices with peanut butter. ...
  5. Cottage cheese and fruit. ...
  6. Celery sticks with cream cheese. ...
  7. Kale chips. ...
  8. Dark chocolate and almonds.

What foods keep kids full? ›

Snacks with fiber or protein help kids feel full longer. Foods with these nutrients take more time to digest. Fiber comes from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Protein comes from beans, cheese, milk, meats, eggs, nuts, and nut butters.

What is a healthy snack for kids school lunch? ›

Fruits are nature's candy, and they make for some of the overall best lunch box snacks for kids.
  • Apple Slices. Apple Slices. ...
  • Frozen Grapes. Frozen Grapes. ...
  • Banana Chips. Banana Chips. ...
  • Fruit Cups. Fruit Cups. ...
  • Carrot and Celery Sticks. Carrot and Celery Sticks. ...
  • Cucumber Slices. ...
  • Bell Pepper Strips. ...
  • Turkey or Chicken Roll-Ups.
Sep 26, 2023

Are snacks healthy for kids? ›

Snacks may help prevent overeating at meals. And for picky eaters of all ages, snacks are a chance to add more nutrients to their diets. The best snacks are low in sugar, fat, and salt. Fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and protein foods are good choices.

What are the healthiest foods for kids? ›

Consider these nutrient-dense foods:
  • Protein. Choose seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans, peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds.
  • Fruits. Encourage your child to eat a variety of fresh, canned, frozen or dried fruits. ...
  • Vegetables. ...
  • Grains. ...
  • Dairy.

What is a healthy snack for children's day? ›

Snacks with little to no preparation
  • Whole-grain crackers with apple slices.
  • Dried fruit or nut trail mix.
  • Low-fat string or sliced cheese with 10 to 15 grapes.
  • Low-sodium sliced turkey breast wrapped around cherry tomatoes.
  • Low-fat, low-sugar Greek style yogurt and a small pear.
  • Sliced cucumber and whole-grain crackers.

What are healthy snacks for kids vs unhealthy snacks? ›

Pick foods that are high in fiber and low in added salt and sugar. Offer children fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain snacks instead of sweets. Foods that are naturally sweet (such as apple slices, bananas, bell peppers, or baby carrots) are better than foods and drinks that contain added sugar.


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.