Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (2025)

Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (1)
Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (2)

Welcome to SMFN!
This site covers Sailor Moon news, from the manga to anime, as well as new merchandise of the franchise. To see the latest news, see our front page.

Don’t forget to bookmark and check back often to stay up to date.

This blog will continually be updated on where fans across North America can watch Sailor Moon for free, through streaming, and more.

Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (3)

Sailor Moon in North America

Sailor Moon consists of 2 series, the original anime run from the 90s, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (5 seasons, 3 movies & specials), and a reboot anime that follows the manga more closely that began in 2014, called Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal (3 seasons, then two movies for season 4, and two movies for season 5).

Here’s where you can watch and support the series, legally, in the USA & more*.
* This blog is continuously updated with changes as they happen.

Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (6)

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
Seasons: Classic, R, S, SuperS and Stars


– Streaming
You can watch seasons 1-5 of the original 90s anime on Hulu & Disney Plus if you have the bundle.

Pluto TV & YouTube.
Starting on 5/31/2024, it will be airing on Adult Swim’s segment, Toonami.

If you want to purchase the DVD/Blu-Rays of each season, you can see our shopping guide for them.



Pluto TV & Tubi TV.

If you want to purchase the DVD/Blu-Rays of each season, you can see our shopping guide for them, which includes Canada.


Netflix (Only season S) & Claro Video (Only season 1) Amazon Prime (All 5 Seasons)

Free: N/A

Own: N/A

Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (7)

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 90s Movies

Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (8)

The 3 Sailor Moon movies are separate from the normal Sailor Moon anime timeline. There’s no specific place they can be put into that would make sense in the 90s anime. Most fans just watch them after each corresponding season. The first movie is R, then S, and lastly, Supers. There’s an excellent article on Den of Geek, you can read for more info about the movies.

Where can I watch the Sailor Moon movies?



All movies on Hoopla
YouTube: Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S, Sailor Moon Supers.

On Amazon


Streaming: coming soon

Free: coming soon

Own: coming soon


Streaming: Netflix (R, S and SuperS) & Claro Video (Only season 1)

Free: N/A

Own: N/A

Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (9)
Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (10)

Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal/Cosmos is the reboot anime that follows the Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon manga closer than the 90s anime did. Each season/movie got updated animation which made the entire reboot look different every “season”.

Sailor Moon Crystal Seasons 1-3 are half hour episodes.
The 4th “season”, Sailor Moon Eternal, is split into 2 movies, as well as the 5th “season”, Sailor Moon Cosmos.

Where can I watch Sailor Moon Crystal / Eternal / Cosmos?


– Streaming
You can watch seasons 1-3 of Sailor Moon Crystal on Hulu , Disney Plus (Bundle with Hulu), Netflix, and Crunchyroll with ads, or you can buy a premium sub subscription to watch ad free.

Sailor Moon Eternal Part 1 & Part 2, is on Netflix.

Sailor Moon Cosmos Part 1 & Part 2 is on Netflix.


DVDs and Blu-Rays available.

Sailor Moon Eternal and Cosmos Part 1 & Part 2, are not yet available to purchase outside of Japan, unless you buy the Japanese DVD/Blu-rays.


You can watch seasons 1-3 of Sailor Moon Crystal on Netflix, and Crunchyroll with ads, or you can buy a premium sub subscription to watch ad free.

Sailor Moon Eternal Part 1 & Part 2, is on Netflix.

Sailor Moon Cosmos Part 1 & Part 2 is on Netflix.

Seasons 1-3 available on Tubi TV.

coming soon


You can watch seasons 1-3 of Sailor Moon Crystal on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Crunchyroll with ads, or you can buy a premium sub subscription to watch ad free.

Sailor Moon Eternal Part 1 & Part 2, is on Netflix.

Sailor Moon Cosmos Part 1 & Part 2 is on Netflix.

– Free: N/A

Own: N/A

Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (11)

See the front page for the latest Sailor Moon news.

Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (12)

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Tags: blu ray, cosmos, crystal, disney plus, dub, dvd, english, eternal, free, hulu, japanese, Netflix, pluto, stream, streaming, to, tv, watch, where

Where can you watch Sailor Moon in 2024? | (2025)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.