SleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays (2024)

SleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays are madefrom the same high-grade materials we use for producing our anti-snoring and night guard products.

When your order is placed,we will send you a simple home impression kit to take impressions of your upper and lower teeth. From those impressions, we will produce yourSleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays. Single kits can be ordered if only one set is required for upper or lower.

YourSleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays come with a free storage case.

Trays are 1mm thick and should not be used for any other purpose than whitening trays

Please note we do not supply bleach or whitening gel.

Trays can only be as good as the impression, we would suggest you take a look at this video to helpfor hints and tips on creating a quality impression we can use

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    SleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays (2024)


    Are custom whitening trays worth it? ›

    The Benefits of Custom Whitening Trays

    Many people are surprised at how quickly custom whitening trays enhance their teeth. It will take much longer to get your teeth to the shade you desire. While custom trays may be more expensive than others, their benefits are well worth the investment.

    How much for custom made whitening trays? ›

    Item NumberSWSTWT4
    ManufacturerSparkling White Smiles Dental Lab
    Rating19 reviews

    How long does it take to whiten teeth with custom trays? ›

    In regards to how long trays need to be worn, patients should expect to wear them until the teeth have reached the right shade of white. In some cases, it can take a few weeks or for serious stains, it can take up to a year.

    Can I sleep with my bleach trays in? ›

    Wear your trays as directed

    Every dentist is slightly different and therefore you should follow the instructions provided with regards to wearing your trays. However, in most cases the whitening trays are worn overnight for at least 7/8 hours. During this time, you should not eat, drink or smoke.

    What happens if you leave whitening trays on too long? ›

    If you've left your teeth whitening gel on for too long and are worried that it might have caused damage to your teeth, try not to fret. You may notice some slight sensitivity of the teeth, white spots on the gum or white flecks on teeth, or numbness on the gumline.

    How often should you whiten your teeth with whitening trays? ›

    We advise whitening your teeth just once a year, whether professionally or at home. This should keep sensitivity from becoming a problem while helping you maintain a white, natural-looking smile. Typically, the professional-grade whitening kits available from our dental office last about a year.

    Do at home teeth whitening trays work? ›

    Although home teeth whitening kits can be effective in whitening teeth, they can only really whiten teeth by a few shades. If you want a drastic change in teeth whiteness (i.e. you have severe teeth staining), home teeth whitening kits may not be enough. You may need multiple tries.

    Can you reuse teeth whitening trays? ›

    Your teeth whitening trays are not one time use because they are reusable. That means in order to keep them working well you should know how to clean them so that they last as long as possible. The good news is that the cleaning process is simple and short.

    How long does teeth whitening last with trays? ›

    The better you treat your teeth, the whiter they will stay. If you avoid consuming staining substances and practice good oral hygiene, then your bleaching treatment can last between 6-12 months before you will need to top up your whitening.

    How long after teeth whitening trays can I eat normally? ›

    When the dentist whitens teeth, your teeth can become sensitive to different foods that can stain. After 24-72 hours, you can resume your regular diet. The following are the things that you need to avoid after teeth whitening. Sugary foods can irritate your teeth and trigger the bacteria responsible for causing decay.

    Can I shower with teeth whitening trays in? ›

    Whitening products such as Crest Whitestrips use Advanced Seal technology to keep the strips in place so you can continue your regular activities such as showering, drinking water, or running errands.

    Should you brush your teeth before using whitening trays? ›

    Prior to Treatment: Brush and floss just prior to bleaching your teeth. The whitening gel is the most effective with clean teeth. Try the trays in first without any beach to check the fit and comfort. Make sure that the bleaching trays are clean and dry before applying the whitening gel.

    Can I drink water with my teeth whitening trays in? ›

    You can use tissue or cotton buds to remove excess gel that flows out of the trays. After use keep the gels in the fridge. Do not eat, drink or smoke while wearing whitening trays. In case of any sensitivity – remove your trays.

    Why does it take 2 weeks to whiten teeth? ›

    It takes 14 days to whiten your teeth

    As you age your teeth get less porous and the inner tooth dentine gets thicker and denser so over 60's may also need to bleach for longer. This is something that the dentist can assess at the time of whitening and warn you about prior to starting.

    Do you brush your teeth after whitening? ›

    As for whether you should brush your teeth after using whitening strips, there is no definitive answer. While some experts recommend brushing immediately after removing the strips to ensure all residue is removed, others advise waiting for 30 minutes to allow the enamel to rehydrate and minimize potential abrasion.

    Are teeth whitening trays better than strips? ›

    Trays provide more coverage than some teeth whitening strips. May contain a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals for near-immediate results. Permanently remove light and tough stains. Many kits come with enough gel for multiple, separate treatments, which saves on costs.

    Do at-home teeth whitening trays work? ›

    Although home teeth whitening kits can be effective in whitening teeth, they can only really whiten teeth by a few shades. If you want a drastic change in teeth whiteness (i.e. you have severe teeth staining), home teeth whitening kits may not be enough. You may need multiple tries.

    Are dentist teeth whitening kits worth it? ›

    Professional Teeth Whitening Provides Faster Long-Lasting Results. While at-home kits can take weeks or even months to show noticeable results, professional treatments tend to produce faster. Dentists utilize advanced techniques like laser or light-activated whitening that significantly speed up the whitening process.

    Does Invisalign feel like whitening trays? ›

    Invisalign trays are not the same thing as tooth whitening trays. Invisalign trays fit tighter than teeth whitening trays and can cause the gel to squeeze out into your mouth instead of staying on your teeth.


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    Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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    Name: Jeremiah Abshire

    Birthday: 1993-09-14

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    Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.