How Do I Stop Grinding My Teeth? Teeth Grinding Causes | Kate Brayman DDS (2024)

One of the more commonchronic teeth issuesisgrinding of the teethandalso known asbruxism. In many cases, the person doing the grinding doesn’t even realize that they aregrinding their teethbecause they are doing it while they are sleeping. The repeated pressure they are consistently putting on the teeth is prone to create problems for their overall oral health, and lead to issues that can last during waking hours as well.Grindingwill break down the enamel of the teeth. This will make them more susceptible to cavities and gum disease.Do you grind your teeth?If so, here are some things to know that might help you stop.

Why Do People Grind Their Teeth?

There are several reasons why you mightgrind your teeth. The big one is stress. If you experience daytime stressed, you will be stressed at night, even while you are sleeping. Your jaw muscles will clench andyour teeth will grind together. It may also be a result of having problems with your teeth.

If they do not line up properly, or if you havecrooked teeth, your teeth might not meet up when your jaw closes. This is calledmalocclusion. By not coming together, your jaw muscles can wear down and start to spasm, which will causegrinding.

The third main reason is if you have a medical condition that requires medication. Certain antidepressants can causebruxism. Some medical conditions, such asParkinson’s diseaseorHuntington’s diseasecan causebruxismas well.

How Common is Bruxism

Bruxismis very common. Some estimates show that around40 million people in the United States are teeth grinders, whether during daytime or at night. Around 10% of thosegrind their teeth hardenough to cause serious damage. As people get older,bruxismrates go down. Young children are the most commonsleep grinders, but they also tend to outgrow the issue when they get into ages 5 through 7.

Is Jaw Clenching a Sign of Anxiety?

Stress and anxiety are closely related tojaw clenching. When your body is faced with stressful situations or situations that cause anxiety, it will tense up. This includes the jaw muscles. At night when you are asleep, the things that are causing you stress don’t simply go away. You may even dream about them. When they cross your unconscious mind, your muscles will tense and yourteeth will grind together. Many people alsogrind their teeth during daytime, and they may not notice they are doing it. When faced with stressful situations, or if they simply have a stressful work or home life, their muscles can tense up. These people might also have unexplained neck or jaw pain, or headaches on a regular basis.

How Do I Know If I’m Clenching My Jaw At Night

The odd thing aboutbruxismis that many people don’t realize they are actually doing it. This includes when they are awake, but it is more common for those who clench their teeth at night. Some things to watch out for to know if you are grinding your teeth at night include:

  • Teeth that are inexplicably chipped or broken
  • Pain in the jaw or neck when you wake up
  • Injuries inside the cheeks where you have chewed on the skin
  • A pain that seems like an earache
  • Tooth enamel that’s worn down enough to expose the inside of the teeth
  • Locked jaw
  • You wake your partner with the noise of grinding teeth

If you have any of these symptoms, thenit might be time to see if a dentist can helpwith your bruxism issue.

Can Bruxism Be cured?

These are the ways bruxism can be treated.

Reshaping Teeth

This method is generally used when the grinding has gotten quite severe. The enamel on the tooth has worn down to the point where the patient is not able to chew their food properly, or they have an extreme sensitivity.A dentistcan either alter the chewing surfaces to provide some comfort orinstall crowns to repair damageand prevent further deterioration.


A dentist or doctor may also prescribe medications to help with bruxism. Muscle relaxants can be taken for a short time to make sure that your muscles are relaxed before bed. This is only a short term solution, however. Botox can also help with teeth grinding but is usually a last resort if that is the only reason for which it is administered. Anxiety medication can also help with teeth grinding by reducing the symptoms of anxiety.

Do Dental Guards Work for Grinding at Night?

Adental guard, also called amouthguardornight guard, cannot prevent you fromgrinding your teeth, but it can prevent damage to the teeth. It is a guard you can put in your mouth at night that covers the top row of teeth so they cannot rub against the bottom. Not only will they keep your teeth from breaking or cracking, but the protection can also help relax your jaw muscles. Night guards will disperse the pressure from the grinding teeth across your jaw. This will help resolve the facial and neck pain that is so common withnight teeth grinding.

How Do I Stop Grinding My Teeth? Teeth Grinding Causes | Kate Brayman DDS (1)

What is the Best Mouth Guard for Grinding Teeth?

Mouth guardscome in several types, and it’s important that you get one that works best for you. You do not want to take chances when it comes to grinding teeth since it can cause other dental problems if not properly treated. Here are some mouthguard varieties that you might come across.

Store-bought Mouthguards

You can go to most sporting goods stores and purchase a stock mouthguard. They cannot be adjusted for fit, and they are unwieldy to have in your mouth. Since they are not custom-made, they can be uncomfortable and make it hard to breathe and talk. There is in fact little evidence that they even provide much protection, so while these mouthguards are the least expensive, they also do not do much for you.

Boiled Mouthguards

These can also be purchased at most sporting goods stores. They are what football players tend to use in their mouths. They work by placing them in boiling water to soften them up. You then put the softened guard in your mouth so that it conforms to the shape of your teeth once it hardens. These provide better protection that the unadjustable type of mouthguard, but they can still be uncomfortable.

Custom-Fit Mouthguards

Custom-fitted mouthguards are the best option to protect your teeth from grinding. An impression is made of your teeth so that a perfect model can be created. It provides superior comfort and protection. This option does tend to be the most expensive, but you will certainly get what you pay for. Many insurance plans will also cover a portion of the cost of a custom-fitted mouthguard, so check with your provider.

How do you treat bruxism naturally?

Some patients choose not to use medical interventions totreat their teeth grinding issues. There are some things you can do on your own to help make the symptoms better.


Exercise? What does exercise have to do with teeth? The surprising answer is that exercise can have a lot to do with your teeth. Since bruxism is linked to stress, and exercise is one of the best ways to reduce the symptoms of stress, it can be very helpful. Not only that, but it can tire out your body and help you relax at night when you settle down for sleep.

Stop Chewing on Things That Aren’t Food

Repetitive motions can tire out muscles and cause cramping. If you are a pen cap chewer, or you chew a lot of gum, you may be setting yourself up for a night of grinding your teeth.

Chewy Foods Might Not Be For You

If you are having a day where your jaw seems to be tighter than usual, then avoid eating chewy foods. This can mean anything from steak to taffy. If it requires extra bites to eat, then it can wear out your jaw, leading to more cramping.

How Can I Relax My Jaw Bruxism?

Relaxation of the muscles is such an important part oftreating jaw bruxism. There are several things you can do to both relax the muscles and treat them gently to avoid spasms and cramps.

Relaxing Before Bed

You grind your teeth at nightbecause you are feeling tension throughout the day. As mentioned, that has a lot to do with stress. It can be helpful before bed to go through a relaxation routine to try to alleviate some of that tension in your jaw muscles. For instance, you can apply a warm pad to your jaw when you settle in. You can also take a soothing bath before bed, or drink a warm, non-caffeinated beverage to heat up the muscles.

Jaw Massaging

It might sound strange, but you can absolutely massage your jaw. If you are feeling daily stress and can feel your jaw clenching, rub it gently to get it to relax. This can have the added benefit of settling down your mind as well.

Recognize When You Are Clenching

It’s hard tostop yourself from grinding your teeth when you are asleep, but you can certainly do it while you are awake. Try to see if you can identify if there aretypes of situations that trigger bruxism, such as meetings or interacting with certain people. When you notice yourjaw starting to clench, let your bottom jaw drop and hang for a few seconds. This will have the effect of relaxing your muscles and will hopefully improve your mindset going into a stressful situation.

What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Teeth Grinding?

Another natural remedy can be a healthy diet. Both calcium and magnesium deficiencies have been linked tobruxism, so eating right may be your best defense against it. If necessary, you can also take supplements to provide the vitamins you need. A healthy diet is important to help withbruxism, but it’s also important for your overall health and well-being. If you are unsure if you are getting the appropriate amount of calcium and magnesium, or any other nutrient for that matter, consult with a licensed nutritionist.

Should You See A Dentist For TMJ?

TMJrefers to thetemporomandibular joint. This is the joint that connects the upper and lower jaws to each other. It is made of two bones and cartilage, which are all held together by ligaments. TheTMJworks like a hinge to open and close the mouth. When you grind your teeth, you can wear down the muscles around theTMJ, causing pain and discomfort. In some cases this pain is temporary. However, over a long period, you can seriously damage theTMJand require medical intervention. If you have been feeling pain in this joint on a regular basis, especially if it is happening at night, then contact your dentist right away. The most severe cases may require surgery to repair it, although this is very rare.

If you are waking up with pain in your jaw, neck, or head, or if your teeth seem to be chipping for no reason and you are wondering how to stop grinding your teeth,contact Dr. Kate Brayman on Long Island to see if grinding is the root of the problem.

We might be be able to help you get some relief.

How Do I Stop Grinding My Teeth? Teeth Grinding Causes | Kate Brayman DDS (2024)


How Do I Stop Grinding My Teeth? Teeth Grinding Causes | Kate Brayman DDS? ›

Relaxing Before Bed. You grind your teeth at night because you are feeling tension throughout the day. As mentioned, that has a lot to do with stress. It can be helpful before bed to go through a relaxation routine to try to alleviate some of that tension in your jaw muscles.

How I cured my teeth grinding? ›

9 Home Remedies to Treat Teeth Grinding
  1. Jaw Stretching Exercise. ...
  2. Hot Towel Compresses. ...
  3. Relaxation Techniques. ...
  4. Stay Hydrated. ...
  5. Avoid Stimulating Substances in the Evening. ...
  6. Eat Magnesium-Rich Foods. ...
  7. Drink Turmeric Milk or Herbal Tea. ...
  8. Avoid Hard Foods.

How do you break the habit of grinding your teeth? ›

Lifestyle and home remedies
  1. Reduce stress. Listening to music, taking a warm bath or exercising can help you relax and may reduce your risk of developing bruxism.
  2. Avoid stimulating substances in the evening. ...
  3. Practice good sleep habits. ...
  4. Talk to your sleep partner. ...
  5. Schedule regular dental exams.
Aug 10, 2017

How do you reverse the effects of grinding your teeth? ›

Mouth exercises and massages can help reduce pain and relieve muscle tension caused by teeth grinding. Mouthguards, stress reduction, and medication may reduce or eliminate sleep disruptions and tooth damage. If you grind your teeth or clench your jaw at night, talk with your doctor or dentist.

What is the number one cause of teeth grinding? ›

It usually happens subconsciously, either during waking hours or when you're asleep. Causes include stress, anxiety, sleep disorders and certain medications. Most people who grind their teeth can ease symptoms with a custom mouth guard.

What vitamin stops teeth grinding? ›

Sleep bruxism was associated with vitamin D deficiency and low consumption of calcium and was also associated with increased scores of anxiety and depression. Further investigations should be performed to check if vitamin D and calcium supplementation could relieve sleep bruxism.

What can I put in my mouth to stop teeth grinding? ›

Mouthguards are a kind of occlusal splint that may be helpful for sleep bruxism. They work by cushioning your teeth and stopping them from grinding against each other while you sleep. Mouthguards can be custom-made at the dentist's office or purchased over the counter (OTC).

How do you exercise your jaw to stop clenching? ›

Chin tucks can help strengthen your jaw and may help correct TMJ issues. To perform chin tucks, tuck your head down, bringing your chin close to your chest. While keeping your top and bottom teeth apart, push your chin back so your head returns to its normal position. Repeat this motion 15 times, three times a day.

Can you fix teeth from grinding? ›

Composite bonding

The resin material is applied and bonded to the tooth to fix imperfections. When used to treat teeth that are damaged by grinding, composite bonding can lengthen the tooth and protect the deeper layers of the tooth structure. However, composite bonding is most appropriate for repairing minor damage.

What is the best muscle relaxant for bruxism? ›

Botox® injections can be used to stop the cause of Bruxism by relaxing the over-active jaw muscles. This will take the pressure off the jaw, break the habit and at the same time, stop any discomfort and minimise any further damage to your teeth.

Is teeth grinding damage permanent? ›

Chronic, involuntary teeth grinding – technically called bruxism – can lead to all sorts of health problems. You could crack or fracture your teeth, which may require crowns or dental implants. You could also wear down the enamel on your teeth, leading to periodontal disease or lost teeth.

How to stop tensing the jaw? ›

More Articles
  1. Reduce Stress. Increased anxiety or stress is one of a number of causes of clenching teeth, according to the National Health Service (NHS). ...
  2. Wear a Mouth Guard or Splint. Mouth guards and splints are worn at night while sleeping. ...
  3. Correct Misaligned Teeth. ...
  4. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol. ...
  5. Muscle Relaxant. ...
  6. Acupuncture.

Can teeth repair themselves from grinding? ›

There is nothing to be gained repairing worn teeth before the original cause has been eliminated. The forces we put on our teeth in bruxism far exceed the strength of the best dental materials. a bruxism sufferer will quickly break any dental repair. To stop the bruxism a guard is made and worn whilst sleeping.

What is the root cause of teeth grinding? ›

What causes bruxism? Oral health specialists often point to too much stress and certain personality types as causes of bruxism. Bruxism often affects people with nervous tension, such as anger, pain, or frustration. It also affects people with aggressive, hurried, or overly competitive tendencies.

What is the difference between teeth grinding and bruxism? ›

Clenching or grinding of the teeth (bruxism) is a common activity that can occur both during the day and at night. Some prefer to split these concepts into separate behaviors while others group them together. Grinding or bruxism involves moving the jaw with the teeth held together.

How to stop grinding teeth at night without a mouth guard? ›

Here are some home remedies that can help.
  1. 1) Try Splint Therapy. Splint therapy is the first line of defence against teeth grinding. ...
  2. 2) Do Muscle Stretching Exercises. ...
  3. 3) Warm Compress. ...
  4. 4) Meditate and Practice Yoga. ...
  5. 5) Eat Magnesium-Rich Food. ...
  6. 6) Drink Turmeric Milk. ...
  7. 7) Drink Herbal Tea.
Oct 22, 2020

Can you restore teeth from grinding? ›

Composite bonding

The resin material is applied and bonded to the tooth to fix imperfections. When used to treat teeth that are damaged by grinding, composite bonding can lengthen the tooth and protect the deeper layers of the tooth structure. However, composite bonding is most appropriate for repairing minor damage.

Can you train yourself to stop grinding teeth at night? ›

Stress is a common cause of teeth grinding and clenching. Finding ways to manage and reduce stress can help decrease teeth grinding. These can include relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, deep breathing, meditation, and guided imagery can help relax the jaw muscles and stop teeth grinding.

Is grinding your teeth reversible? ›

Bruxism is a common condition, but in order to properly treat it, you need to find the root cause. To sum up, while minor damages from occasional grinding might be reversible with preventive care, severe damages due to chronic bruxing require restorative treatments which can be costly and time-consuming.


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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