EU4: Beginner's Guide for Ottomans (Ultimate 2024) - EU4 Paradise (2024)

Welcome to the world of Europa Universalis IV with the Ottomans, where grand strategy meets the rich history of a burgeoning empire!

In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll explore the journey of the Ottoman Empire, known for its military might and strategic depth. From the early years of the game (1444 onwards), we will guide you through conquest, diplomacy, and empire building. Whether you are new to EU4 or looking to master Ottoman gameplay, this guide will help you navigate the complexities of becoming a dominant global power.
Prepare to expand your horizons and forge a mighty empire!

Table of Contents

1444: Setting the Stage for Ottoman Dominance


  • Prioritize relationships with Muslim neighbors: Good relations with other Muslim states can provide valuable allies and deter coalitions against you.
  • Manage European relations: Be cautious with European powers like Hungary and Poland. Alliances can be beneficial but prepare for potential conflicts.
  • Balance Power in the Middle East: Keep an eye on powerful neighbors like Mamluks and Persia. Consider alliances or prepare for future conquests.

Economy and Military

  • Strengthen your economy: Develop your rich Anatolian heartland to fund your ambitious military campaigns.
  • Maintain a strong army: The Ottomans start with one of the strongest armies. Keep it well-funded and technologically advanced.
  • Focus on naval strength: Control the Mediterranean and Black Sea with a powerful navy, crucial for expansion and trade.

Technology and Ideas

  • Prioritize Military Technology: Stay ahead in military tech to leverage your military advantages.
  • Administrative Ideas: Useful for managing a large empire and reducing core-creation costs.
  • Choose relevant Idea Groups: Depending on your strategy, select from Administrative, Military, and Diplomatic ideas to complement your empire’s strengths.

1444 – 1460: Early Expansion and Conquest

Early Conquests

  • Conquer Byzantium: Begin by capturing Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), which will significantly boost your empire’s strength and economy.
  • Expand into the Balkans: After securing Constantinople, turn your attention to the Balkans. Be mindful of European powers and aggressive expansion.

Managing Territories

  • Core New Conquests: After each conquest, make sure to core the provinces to integrate them into your empire effectively.
  • Religious Tolerance: The Ottomans have a unique government that allows greater tolerance of different religions, reducing unrest in newly conquered non-Muslim lands.

Diplomatic Maneuvers

  • Secure Alliances: Look for potential allies, especially among Muslim states or powers opposing your rivals.
  • Watch for Opportunities: Be prepared to take advantage of any weakness in neighboring states, particularly the Mamluks or smaller Anatolian beyliks.

1460 – 1480: Consolidating Power and Further Expansion

Internal Affairs

  • Develop Your Economy: Invest in your provinces, especially in Anatolia, to ensure a strong economic base.
  • Institution Spread: Focus on embracing Renaissance as soon as possible to avoid technological penalties.

Expansion Strategies

  • Mediterranean Ambitions: Consider expanding your influence in the Mediterranean. Islands like Cyprus and Crete can be strategic targets.
  • Eastern Expansion: Eye the territories of the Mamluks or further into Persia. Securing these regions can greatly enhance your strategic depth.

Diplomatic Balance

  • European Relations: Maintain a delicate balance with European powers. Be prepared for eventual conflict but avoid unnecessary wars.
  • Middle Eastern Diplomacy: Keep a watchful eye on your Muslim neighbors. Alliances or rivalries will significantly shape your strategy.

1480 – 1500: The Age of Exploration and Beyond

Expanding Trade and Influence

  • Control Key Trade Nodes: Focus on controlling important trade nodes like Constantinople and Aleppo. This boosts your economy significantly.
  • Explore Overseas Opportunities: While the Ottomans are not traditionally naval explorers, consider exploring new trade routes or territories that could be reached through the Mediterranean and Red Sea.

Military Modernization

  • Update Your Army: Keep up with military technology to maintain your edge in warfare. The introduction of gunpowder units can be a game-changer.
  • Build a Strong Navy: A powerful navy will help you control key sea routes and potentially challenge other naval powers.

Dealing with New Threats and Opportunities

  • European Power Dynamics: Watch for the rise of powers like Spain and France. Align or confront them depending on your strategy.
  • Eastern Expansion: Continue your expansion into the Middle East and Persia. Consider moving into Egypt to control the Red Sea and access to the Indian Ocean.

1500 – 1520: Establishing a Global Empire

Global Ambitions

  • Expand into North Africa: Look towards North Africa for expansion, which can serve as a gateway to the Atlantic and further trade opportunities.
  • Influence in the Indian Ocean: Establish a presence in the Indian Ocean by expanding into places like Yemen and the Horn of Africa.

Internal Management

  • Manage a Diverse Empire: Continue to manage the diverse cultures and religions within your empire to maintain stability.
  • Economic Development: Keep developing your core regions and invest in building a robust economic infrastructure.

Diplomatic Strategies

  • Global Diplomacy: Engage with emerging global powers. Your decisions here can either lead to conflict or lucrative trade agreements.
  • Maintain Balance of Power: Use diplomacy to maintain a balance of power in your region, supporting weaker states to counteract stronger rivals.

Key Tips and Considerations for the Ottomans

  1. Adapt and Overcome: The Ottomans’ unique position at the crossroads of Europe and Asia offers diverse opportunities. Be ready to adapt to the shifting political and religious landscape of the region.
  2. Avoid Overextension: While the Ottomans are a military powerhouse, be cautious of aggressive expansion, as it can lead to coalitions and internal instability. Balance conquests with effective administration.
  3. Focus on Key Areas: Prioritize control of strategic regions and trade nodes. This includes consolidating power in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, and potentially expanding into Europe or Africa as opportunities arise.

Which Idea Groups is Best to Pick For Ottomans

Selecting the right idea groups for the Ottomans in Europa Universalis IV can significantly impact your gameplay experience, depending on whether your focus is on expansion or diplomacy. Here are three recommended idea groups for each approach:

For an Expansion-Oriented Ottoman Save

  1. Administrative Ideas
    • Key Benefits: Reduced core-creation cost and increased administrative efficiency.
    • Why It’s Useful: Helps manage the cost and administrative challenges of rapid territorial expansion.
  2. Offensive Ideas
    • Key Benefits: Improved army maneuver, siege ability, and general quality.
    • Why It’s Useful: Enhances military capabilities for conquering new territories more efficiently.
  3. Humanist Ideas
    • Key Benefits: Reduced cultural and religious tensions, increased tolerance.
    • Why It’s Useful: Helps manage the diverse cultures and religions within your expanding empire, reducing unrest.

For a Diplomacy-Oriented Ottoman Save

  1. Diplomatic Ideas
    • Key Benefits: More diplomats, improved diplomatic relations, and reduced province war score cost.
    • Why It’s Useful: Enhances diplomatic flexibility, allowing for better management of alliances and peace treaties.
  2. Influence Ideas
    • Key Benefits: Reduced aggressive expansion impact and increased diplomatic reputation.
    • Why It’s Useful: Aids in managing vassals and integrating territories, while mitigating coalition risks.
  3. Trade Ideas
    • Key Benefits: Increased trade efficiency and additional merchants.
    • Why It’s Useful: Boosts trade income, crucial for funding diplomacy and maintaining a strong economy in a less expansion-focused game.

What are the best strategies for early expansion as the Ottomans in EU4?

The Ottomans have a strong military advantage in the early game, making them ideal for early expansion. Key strategies include:

  • Conquer Byzantium Early: Quickly capturing Constantinople (Istanbul) is crucial. It provides significant economic and strategic benefits.
  • Expand into the Balkans: Secure territories in the Balkans while managing aggressive expansion to avoid coalitions.
  • Utilize Vassals: Employ vassals for territorial expansion, which can help manage aggressive expansion and administrative costs.

How should the Ottomans manage their economy and trade in EU4?

Economic management is vital for sustaining the Ottoman Empire’s growth:

  • Develop Anatolian Provinces: Invest in the rich Anatolian heartland to boost your tax and production income.
  • Control Key Trade Nodes: Focus on dominating trade in the Constantinople and Aleppo nodes. This maximizes trade income flowing into your empire.
  • Use Light Ships: Deploy light ships to protect trade in these nodes, further increasing your trade dominance.

How can the Ottomans effectively deal with European powers in EU4?

  • Diplomatic Balance: Maintain a careful diplomatic balance with major European powers. Alliances can be beneficial, but always be prepared for potential conflicts, especially with rivals like Austria or Poland.
  • Military Readiness: Keep your army strong and technologically advanced. The Ottomans start with a powerful military, but keeping up with military advancements is crucial to hold off European coalitions.
  • Selective Expansion: Be strategic about expansion into Europe. Focus on weak or isolated states to avoid triggering a widespread coalition. Consider expansion through vassal states to manage aggressive expansion.
  • Monitor European Events: Pay attention to major events like the Protestant Reformation or the rise of powerful states like Spain or France. These events can present opportunities or new challenges in your European relations.


This Ottomans Guide is written for the vanilla version of EUIV – if you want to add up the fun of playing Europa Universalis IV, consider adding DLCs and content packs to your game.

Europa Universalis IV is a game steeped in intricate strategies and evolving scenarios. While this guide offers a strategic framework, it’s important to remember that the game’s dynamic environment requires flexibility and adaptability. Be prepared to adjust your approach to meet the unique challenges and seize the opportunities that each playthrough presents.

As we conclude this guide, we turn the spotlight over to you, the grand strategists of Europa Universalis IV. What unique or memorable experiences have you encountered in your Ottoman campaigns? From unexpected alliances to epic battles, share your most unforgettable moments and strategies in the comments below. Let’s exchange tales of triumph and intrigue from the rich tapestry of history that EU4 offers!

EU4: Beginner's Guide for Ottomans (Ultimate 2024) - EU4 Paradise (2024)


How to peacefully annex EU4? ›

The requirements for initiating diplomatic annexation are:
  1. The subject's vassalage has lasted at least 10 years. ...
  2. Vassal opinion of overlord is at least 190.
  3. Liberty desire is less than 50%.
  4. Vassal is at peace.
  5. Vassal has control of its capital.
  6. Vassal has at least one core province that can be cored.
Jul 11, 2024

What is the easiest faction in EU4? ›

  • 8 Vijayanagar. ...
  • 7 Ayutthaya. ...
  • 6 Austria. ...
  • 5 Kilwa. Start Strong To Prepare For Later Challenges. ...
  • 4 Portugal. Dominate The Game With Trade. ...
  • 3 Castile. Train Nation-Building With The Reconquista. ...
  • 2 Ottomans. Headstart Encourages Early-Game Domination. ...
  • 1 France. Experience All Major Mechanics In The Game.
Apr 24, 2024

What is the hardest nation to play as in EU4? ›

Often cited as a classic example of a challenging nation in Europa Universalis 4 gameplay, Karabakh begins as a vassal of Qara Qoyunlu. Should players want any hope of expanding into its neighboring regions, Karabakh should secure support for its independence or risk being diplomatically annexed.

What is the best starting date for EU4? ›

It is possible to start the game at any of 11 preset historical "bookmarks", or at any date in-between. 11th November 1444 is the default setting, and is also the earliest possible start. Among EU4 players of all levels, the default 1444 start is by far the most popular choice.

How do you know if you can Vassalize eu4? ›

Europa Universalis IV

In the middle of every province detail screen is the war score cost for the province. If you mouse over it the pop-up will tell you the total war score cost for the nation. If it is < 100% you can force vassal in one war.

How to reduce liberty desire in EU4? ›

liberty desire decreases from events, relation, diplomatic reputation, diplomatic tech (dis)advantage, military strength compared to liege, size (negative modifier if vassal has 100+ development) and I think I'm forgetting a bunch.

Why EU4 is so addictive? ›

It's the very same reason why games like WoW, GTA V, Diablo, Elite Dangerous are so addictive. Endless possibilities and replayability in a (more or less) open world. So many different mechanics to explore and do shenanigans with, so many different situations to find yourself in.

What is the strongest AI nation in EU4? ›

For the A.I the ottoman empire is the strongest nation in the game and the hardest to deal with for other A.I nations.

Can you conquer the whole world in EU4? ›

Most of the game is just setting up for later in the game, when Administrative Efficiency kicks in. All you need is a decent powerbase, you can easily conquer about 80% of the world in the last hundred or so years.

What is the best country to play in eu4? ›

For fans looking to try something different and interesting, it's hard to go wrong with these nations.
  • 12 The Papal State.
  • 11 Austria.
  • 10 Poland.
  • 9 England.
  • 8 Trebizond.
  • 7 Castile.
  • 6 Novgorod.
  • 5 Wallachia.

Which government type is best eu4? ›

  • 5 Native Tribe. Starting With Extreme Handicaps. Effects. ...
  • 4 Monarchy. Vanilla But Flexible For Most Playthroughs. Effects. ...
  • 3 Republic. Dominate Early Game Management. Effects. ...
  • 2 Theocracy. Dominant Military Held Back By Contentious Leadership. Effects. ...
  • 1 Tribal Government. Razing As The Backdrop Of World Conquest. Effects.
Dec 27, 2023

What age does eu4 end? ›

It is a strategy game where players can control a nation from the Late Middle Ages following the Battle of Varna (1444), the final crusade, to the Napoleonic era with the timeline finishing on 2 January 1821 to coincide with the death of Napoleon on 5 May 1821.

How to deal with unrest in eu4? ›

Reducing unrest[edit | edit source]

Raising stability, lowering war exhaustion, hiring a Theologian advisor, moving (well-maintained) troops to the affected provinces, and changing culture (if it's not already accepted) also help.

How do you deal with France in eu4? ›

The best way to deal with France is to attack when they're already busy with someone else and focus on making them release their vassals. Once they reach critical mass, it becomes really hard to stop them.

How do you annex in Europa Universalis? ›

To annex a country, you must control all of its provinces, and the country must either be pagan or small enough that the total warscore value of its provinces is less than 100%. You may also annex a country of any size if it has just broken away from you in a war of independence.

How to break alliances in eu4? ›

Apart from the diplomatic option, several events can break an alliance: Attacking a country that your ally is allied with or whose independence he guaranteed. The ally will most of the times join the attacked country, effectively ending your alliance.


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