20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (2024)

20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (1)

What do you do need when you desperately need some TLC that doesn’t involve baths, massages, pedicures or brunch with friends? Well, you can try one of these 20 unusual self care ideas for inspiration!

While every one of these self care tips may not be relevant for you, this list contains a variety of self care tips that you can use as a starting point.

Experiment, think outside the box and remember to always do what feels in alignment with your current needs.

1. Experience Life In The Fairyland Cottage

Fairyland Cottage is a YouTube channel that shows a day in the life of am Irish woman who lives – not surprisingly – in the Irish countryside.

It’s a slow-paced, back to nature channel that shows her drying fresh herbs, harvesting food from her garden, hanging laundry outdoors and basically living a minimalist, zero waste life.

Her voice is incredibly soothing and the images of the Irish countryside are just so calming.

It might inspire you to dream about the type of lifestyle you’d like for yourself.

2. Have Fun With Feel-Good Words

20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (2)

Grab a notebook or sheet of paper and write down one word that makes you feel good (i.e. makes you smile or feel hopeful or motivates you to dream).

Then think of another word that makes you feel good and write that down on the next line.

And then think of another word and continue the process for 10 minutes.

For example, the word “ease” makes me think of “relaxation,” which makes me think of “simplicity,” which makes me think of “nature,” which makes me think of “sunshine,” and “flower gardens,” and “outdoor yoga” and “lazy afternoons”

These are all words that make me feel relaxed, warm ‘n fuzzy and less tense.

Give it a try for yourself.

3. Look At Old Pictures of Your Favorite City

Whether it’s the city you live in or cities you’ve visited, you can hop onto google and type in “old pictures of _____”

You’ll find lots of old images with great stories associated with them.

And you can make up your own stories about the pictures too.

Gives you a new perspective!

4. Take a Tiny House Tour

20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (3)

Living Big In A Tiny House is a YouTube channel that shows the many facets of living in a tiny house.

Even if you never intend to live in a tiny house, you’ll find lots of decor and landscaping, inspiration on this channel, from bohemian to ultra modern and everything in between.

And above all else, it’s a reminder that many times in life, less is more.

5. Book An Airbnb In Your City

Save yourself the expense of traveling far way and plan a staycation, complete with a booking an AirBnB right in your city.

Whether you do it for a night or a weekend, this is a great way to take a break from the norm and treat yourself.

You’ll experience your city in a new way while enjoying a lovely cottage or modern apartment, without the hassle of traveling.

6. Go Indoor Rock Climbing

20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (4)

Indoor rock climbing is a mental and physical challenge that also requires lots of coordination.

And for this reason it’s really great for bringing you into the present moment, helping you to forget all your worries.

I first attempted indoor climbing when I was in my 20s and it’s amazing how it totally clears the mind and leaves you feeling refreshed.

By the way, if you have kids, you can take them with you (unless part of your self care plan is to have some time without them). Their speed and agility in this activity will put a smile on your face (and maybe make you cringe internally too!).

7. Listen To Bird Songs

This one’s pretty simple.

Find a bird song collection on YouTube or Spotify.

Sit or lie down in a quiet space (with headphones on if you like).

Listen to the soundtrack and just allow the sounds of nature to invade every cell in your body.

As you listen paint a picture of the birds, trees, flowers and overall scenery that comes to mind.

8. Get Crafty With DIY Body Care Products

20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (5)

Ever thought about making your own soap? Or your own face oils? How about a soothing hair tea or hair oil?

All of these things are both an art and science.

And because these activities engages both the creative and intellectual/procedural parts of the brain, they can really bring you into the present moment.

You become really focused on what you’re doing, which means you’re not dispersing your energy in worry and random thoughts. You come out of it the activity actually feeling replenished in a deep way.

Plus you’re making something nice for yourself with lovely oils, butters, herbs and essential oils of your choice.

A quick and easy way to get started is by giving yourself a nice herbal hair rinse. I’ve put together this guide on tea rinses for hair, which covers their benefits, herbs to use and how to make your own.

9. Dance With George Jefferson

You know how they say laughter heals everything?

Well, spend 60 seconds watching the legendary Sherman Helmsley do his famous George Jefferson dance, and it becomes clear why that statement exists.

You’ll be smiling from ear to ear! And maybe you’ll be inspired to try your own version of this one-of-a-kind dance!

10. Spend Some Time Daydreaming

As adults we spend a lot of time worrying (i.e. speculating about what could go wrong or past mistakes) and not much time daydreaming (i.e. speculating about what could go right and what’s fun).

Kids are much more in touch with daydreaming (and their imaginary friends) which is probably one reason why they’re able to just float through life (at least for a while!).

So, spend some time sitting around and doing nothing but daydreaming.

And if you want, write down those daydreams in a notebook/journal.

11. Craft Your Own Printables

Do you look at printable quotes, cards or art on platforms like Etsy and think “I’d love to make something like that?”

Well, you can. And you don’t have to go to design school to get started.

You can use online tools like PicMonkey or Canva to make pretty designs of your own.

Start with a free account on and use the info from their blogs (or YouTube tutorials) to make your own birthday cards, recipe cards and so on.

12. Create Pinterest Boards That Make You Dream

Whether it’s travel, health, a new kitchen, new hairdo or starting a business, Pinterest has an endless supply of motivational content.

So, if you need inspiration for the next steps in your life or a new project, create boards and add in pins that motivate you.

13. Stash Your Phone For A Day

20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (6)

Put your phone away, on silent, airplane mode or completely turn it off once a week (say, Sundays).

No messages, no interruptions.

Just a full day to do you.

You’ll realize that life does go on even when you’re not tethered to your phone.

And that realization is actually very invigorating.

14. Sip and Meditate

Sometimes meditating is hard. You simply can’t focus.

So, instead of trying to force it, make yourself a warm drink (tea, golden milk or regular milk ‘n honey), sit on a cushion on the floor (or a simply sit in a straight back chair) facing a window.

Sip your drink slowly as you stare outside and enjoy the simplicity of the moment.

15. Listen to Kirtan Chants

Kirtan chanting comes from the yogic traditions and at the most basic level, it’s about reciting specific mantras in musical form.

Now, the word mantra comes from man (mind) and tra (which is the root word for instrument).

So, a mantra is an instrument to train our minds.

When you find the right mantra, performed by an artist whose style you like, these chants can be incredibly hypnotic and soothing to the mind.

Some of my favorite artists in this category are Deva Premal, Krishna Das and Wah.

They all put their spins on this ancient tradition by incorporating various modern sounds.

16. Hand Wash Dishes

20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (7)

There’s something about accomplishing something with your hands.

It creates a sense of accomplishment and in a small way, builds confidence and trust with yourself.

Doing dishes by hand may not always be fun but this is a list of unusual self care ideas, so…

Give it a try (especially with no music or TV playing in the background as distractions.

It’s actually quite grounding.

Plus, it’s a small thing you can do to tidy up your space and having a tidy space clears up visual clutter that would normally drain you.

17. Have An Ugly Cry

There’s a fine line between trying to be strong or positive, and flat out avoiding your feelings.

An important part of self care is allowing yourself to feel your feelings.

And sometimes that means having a big ole ugly cry!

Just let it go.

After all, crying’s not a bad thing. It’s a natural form of expression, just like laughter and anger.

So, if you need it, just let the tears out.

It’s a strong detox and once you release that stale energy, you’ll feel lighter.

18. Practice Non-Judgmental Observation Of Yourself and Others

A lot of the exhaustion, stress and lack of inspiration we experience comes from taking everything to heart.

Meaning, we are too strongly attached to how things currently are or how we think they should be.

Holding on to shoulds means we don’t allow space for something new to emerge.

This can lead to placing restrictions on ourselves, our kids, parents, spouse and so on.

Through practices like mindfulness meditation, we can allow things to just be without infusing them with our judgments or criticisms.

Those judgments or criticisms tend to drain us of joy, creativity and inspiration anyway.

So, practice letting them go.

Here’s a funny anecdote to help put it in perspective 🙂

19. Listen To Your Favorite Childhood Boy/Girl Band

We all had one or more boy or girl bands that we loved as kids (or even all the way up to college…just sayin’).

If you haven’t listed to their music lately, then resurrect it and marvel at the fact that once upon a time you thought that music was absolute genius!

20. Catch Up With The Golden Girls

Another classic TV show that reminds us that life isn’t complete without friendship, camaraderie and boatloads of sarcasm 🙂

These ladies will help you snap out of a funk in a heartbeat.

20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (8)

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20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (9)
20 Unique and Unusual Self Care Ideas To Inspire and Revitalize You (2024)


What are the 7 pillars of self-care? ›

Each method of self-care fits into one of the seven pillars: mental, emotional, physical, environmental, spiritual, recreational, and social. A well-balanced self-care routine involves each of these, so avoid restricting yourself to just one or two pillars.

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Here are some self-care tips:
  • Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking every day can boost your mood and improve your health. ...
  • Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated. ...
  • Make sleep a priority. ...
  • Try a relaxing activity. ...
  • Set goals and priorities. ...
  • Practice gratitude. ...
  • Focus on positivity. ...
  • Stay connected.

What are self-care activities for mental health? ›

Examples of self-care
  • Clean.
  • Cook or bake.
  • Cross something off your to-do list.
  • Exercise.
  • Get a massage.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Listen to music or a podcast.
  • Make art.

How can I be awesome at self-care? ›

It's not always easy to get into the habit of self-care, so here are a few ideas to get you started.
  1. This can help if:
  2. Take time for a vibe booster. Setting aside time to do something you really enjoy can help lift your mood. ...
  3. Pump up the positive vibes. ...
  4. Log out to chill out. ...
  5. Take yourself on a date. ...
  6. Write it down.

What are the 5 C's of self-care? ›

Unlocking the 5 C's of Well-Being: Contentment, Calmness, Compassion, Courage, and Clarity. The five qualities of Contentment, Calmness, Compassion, Courage and Clarity are innate to human nature. As children we exhibit these qualities , but as we grow up these get covered up by our environmental conditioning.

What are the 3 C's of self-care? ›

To remind ourselves of what's important when times get tough. For me, this looks like remembering these 3 C's: Compassion, Care, and Consistency. Each one holds a fundamental truth that will benefit you on your personal growth journey and when taken together, provide the optimum conditions for you to thrive.

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A Look at the Psychology
  • Negative Self-Talk. ...
  • Positive Self-Talk. ...
  • Helps to Reduce Stress. ...
  • Helps to Boost Confidence and Resilience. ...
  • Helps Build Better Relationships. ...
  • Identifying Self-Talk Traps. ...
  • Utilize Positive Affirmations. ...
  • Check-In With Your Emotions Regularly.
Sep 26, 2019

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Tips for improving your mental wellbeing
  • Try to relax and reduce stress.
  • Find ways to learn and be creative.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Connect with others.
  • Look after your physical health.
  • Try to improve your sleep.

What are the 8 areas of self-care? ›

Namely, there are 8 main areas of self-care: physical, psychological, emotional, social, professional, environmental, spiritual, and financial.

What are some psychological self-care? ›

Notice your inner experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Cultivate self-awareness through things such as journalling, getting feedback from others, meditation, coaching/counseling, and consultation or supervision – places where you have the opportunity to grow, learn, and reflect.

How to have the ultimate self-care day? ›

Here are our top 16 tips for Self Care:
  1. 1 Read a Book/Magazine for an Hour. ...
  2. 2 Get Outside for Some Exercise. ...
  3. 3 Do Something Crafty (Sewing, Colouring, Creating) ...
  4. 4 Listen to Music. ...
  5. 5 Getting Up and Dressed. ...
  6. 6 Social Media. ...
  7. 7 Declutter/Tidy a Certain Spot in the House. ...
  8. 8 Drink Water First Thing in the Morning.

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Self-care activities can range from physical activities such as exercising and eating healthy, to mental activities such as reading a book or practicing mindfulness, to spiritual or social activities such as praying or catching lunch with a friend.

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For me, “Self-care” is more than just personal hygiene or friend time. It has always meant time to be creative. Over the years, that has manifested as time to be still, journal, sing, write poetry, exercise, reflect in nature, do yoga or simply spend time alone.

What is positive self-care? ›

Self-care refers to anything that you do to keep yourself mentally, emotionally, physically socially and spiritually healthy. If you don't practice self-care regularly, you're risking your well-being and inviting burnout.

How to change yourself physically and mentally? ›

8 Ways To Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy
  1. Get Up and Move. Physical activity does more than improve your physical health. ...
  2. Snack Wisely. ...
  3. Plan “You” Time into Your Day. ...
  4. Boost Your Immunity With Food. ...
  5. Take a Deep Breath. ...
  6. Practice Good Posture While Working. ...
  7. Prepare for a Good Night's Sleep. ...
  8. Remember That You're Not Alone.

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How to Practice Self-Care
  1. Make Time for Yourself. The first step in practicing self-care is making time for yourself. ...
  2. Engage in Activities That Bring You Joy. Self-care is all about doing things that make you happy. ...
  3. Practice Mindfulness. ...
  4. Get Enough Sleep. ...
  5. Connect with Others. ...
  6. Set Boundaries. ...
  7. Seek Professional Help.
May 8, 2024

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According to RegisteredNursing.org, there are eight aspects to self-care: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, personal, professional and medical.

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Wellbeing is both a state and a journey. We see this journey having 12 steps which we will call the 12 Pillars of Wellbeing: Self care, Mindfulness, Learning, Vitality, Gratitude, Confidence, Calm, Motivation, Intimacy, Courage, Aspiration, and Service.

What are the 8 dimensions of self-care? ›

Wellness comprises of eight mutually co-dependence dimensions: emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial. If any one of these dimensions is neglected over time, it will adversely affect one's health, well-being, and quality of life.


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.